Html is a markup language for describing a web document.(web pages.)
Html is a standard markup language for creating web page and web application.)
Html is a language used to create web pages.
Hypertext markup language is a major markup language use to display web page on internet.
Hypertext refer to the hyperlink that an html may contain “Markup language” refers to the way tags are used to define the page layout  and elements within the page.
Different authors definition. Public online document, with heading, text, tables, lists, photo, etc.
Retrieve online information via hyperlinks, at click of a button.
Designs forms for conducing transaction with remote service for use in.
Searching for information, reservation, ordering product etc.
Include spread sheets, video clips and sound clips and others application directly in their documents.
HTML stands for hypertext markup language. A markup language is a set of markup tags. Each HTML tag describes different document content.
Html verions.
Html    1991
Html 2.1   1995
Html 3.2   1997
Html 4.01  1997
XTML   2000
HTML5   2014
Lecture .02
First publically available description of html “ HTML TAGS” first mention on internet by Tim Berners le..Last 1991”
For late 1993 for launched for table out and fill out the form.
Since 1996  specification have been maintained with the input from commercial software.
Completed and standardized on 28 oct 2018.
History of Frist html.  \ 1991(1.1) -1993(1.2)-1994(1.3)

nov 24 . 1995  html 2.0 was  published
1995 form based fine and 1996 table fully
Augut 1996 (Clint side image map)
Jan 1997 (internationlazed)

3rd  html
Jan 14 1997  html 3.2   )(dec  18 1996)
4rth html

Dec 18, 1997   and 4.0 april 24 1998
Html 4.00 (dec 24 1999)   4.01  ( may 12 2001)

5th html
Oct 28 2017   = 5.0 nov 1. 2016
5.1  html  ( dec 14 2017)
5.2 html.
Lecture no.03

<Doctype> its kinds of html.
1...we can make munimx 6 and maximum 12.
<!DOCTYPE html>
 <title> Tim beners lee physicist 1980 word start on world web wide.</title>
 <body> <p> Html is a markup language for describing a web document.(web pages.)
<br>Html is a standard markup language for creating web page and web application.)
<br>Html is a language used to create web pages.<br>Tim berner lee Describes 18 element the initial , simple designee of HTML.
<br> History of Frist html.  \ 1991(1.1) -1993(1.2)-1994(1.3)<br>2nd html nov 24 . 1995  html 2.0 was  published.


table , th ,td{
border : 3px solid black;
th , td {
padding : 20px;


<p> We will use tags for making table </p>
<table style = "width : 50%" cellspacing = "40" >
<caption> HTML TABLE </caption>

<ol type="a"> 
<li>   my player  </li>
<li>   my player1</li>
<li>   my player2</li>
<li>   my player  </li>
<li>   my player1</li>
<li>   my player2</li>
<ol type = "A"> 
<li>   my player  </li>
<li>   my player1</li>
<li>   my player2</li>

<ol start = "25"> 
<li>   my player  </li>
<li>   my player1</li>
<li>   my player2</li>
<th rowspan= "1"> Student </th>
<th colspan = "1" > Tanveer </th>
<th colspan = "1"> Mcs </th>
<th colspan = "1"> cs605 </th>
<th colspan = "1"> cs506 </th>
<th colspan = "1"> cs201 </th>
<td> BCS </td>
<td> fIRST </td>
<td> second </td>
<td> Mcs </td>
<td> last </td>
<td> Second </td>



<table style="width:50%; cellpadding="40"; border="5px"; " >
<caption> HTML TABLE </caption>
<th> Student </th>
<th> Tanveer </th>
<th> Mcs </th>
<th > cs605 </th>
<th> cs506 </th>
<th > cs201 </th>
<td> BCS </td>
<td> fIRST </td>
<td> second </td>
<td> Mcs </td>
<td> last </td>
<td> Second </td>



<body> <p> this is a school . l am a student virtual university of pakistan </p> <abbr title="">this is a amanullah . l am a student virtual university of pakistan</abbr><br> <abbr title="">USA</abbr> <p>USA Meaning</p> <abbr title="">United State of America</abbr><br> <bdo > amanullah </bdo><br> <bdo dir=""> amanullah </bdo><br> <bdo dir="ltr.rtl">this is a amanullah . l am a student virtual university of pakistan</bdo>wrong tag<br> <blockquote> <p>this is a amanullah . l am a student virtual university of pakistan erweqrhweqhrhoweqhrohnsfnkasfsaf sfansaflnsa. sbafljsalflsaflsafsalf. kgsadfosdaflasdf</p> </blockquote> <p>unites <cite>state </cite> of america </p> <q>united state of america </q> </body> </html>

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