CS301- Data Structures


Question: ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

In a complete binary tree of depth 5 the number of non-leaf nodes is



Question: ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Which of the following is NOT a linear data structure?

     Linked List
      Tree   (page 121)

Recursive function calls are implemented internally using a data structure


Question No: 1 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A queue where the de-queue operation depends not on FIFO, is called a priority queue
Ø  False

Ø  ► True Page101

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The data of the problem is of 2GB and the hard disk is of 1GB capacity, to solve this problem we should

Use better data structures
Increase the hard disk space (Page 5)
Use the better algorithm
Use as much data as we can store on the hard disk

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Consider the function X as under int X (int& Value)
return Value;
Now a and b are integers in a calling function. Which one of the following is a valid call to the above function
a = X (b) ;
► a = X (&b) ;
a = X (*b) ;
None of the given options
Here function argument passing by reference method is used, so when we call a function we will give the variable reference as parameter.

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In the call by value methodology, a copy of the object is passed to the called function.
True(Page 202)

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The tree data structure is a
Linear data structure
Non-linear data structure(Page 112)
Graphical data structure
Data structure like queue

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
When should you use a const reference parameter?

Whenever the parameter has huge size.
Whenever the parameter has huge size, the function changes the parameter within its body, and you do NOT want these changes to alter the actual argument.
Whenever the parameter has huge size, the function changes the parameter within its body, and you DO
want these changes to alter the actual argument.
Whenever the parameter has huge size, and the function does not change the parameter within its body. Declaring a parameter as a const simply means that the function can’t change the value of its parameters.

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Here is the start of a C++ class declaration:
class foo
void x(foo f);
void y(const foo f);
void z(foo f) const;
Which of the three member functions can alter the PRIVATE member variables of the foo object that activates the function?
Only x can alter the private member variables of the object that activates the function.
Only y can alter the private member variables of the object that activates the function.
Only z can alter the private member variables of the object that activates the function.
Two of the functions can alter the private member variables of the object that activates the function.
Only the x and y can alter the private member variable of the foo class object. Last Option is more
Correct but not exact. In the last option the two function name are not mentioned

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
What is the maximum depth of recursive calls a function may make?
► n (where n is the argument)
► There is no fixed maximum

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Suppose n is the number of nodes in a complete Binary Tree then maximum steps required for a search operation are,
Log2 (n+1) -1(Page 139)
Log2 (n+1)
Log2 (n) – 1
Log2 (n)
Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
In the linked list implementation of the stack class, where does the push member function places the new entry on the linked list?

► At the head(Page 53)
► At the tail
► After all other entries that are greater than the new entry.
► After all other entries that are smaller than the new entry.

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Suppose we have a circular array implementation of the queue class, with ten items in the queue stored at data[2] through data[11]. The CAPACITY is 42, i.e., the array has been declared to be of size 42. Where does the push member function place the new entry in the array?

► data[1]
► data[2]
► data[11]
► data[12]

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The expression AB+C* is called?
Prefix expression
► Postfix expression (Page 70)
Infix expression
None of these

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
                   is a binary tree where every node has a value, every node's left subtree contains only values less than or equal to the node's value, and every node's right subtree contains only values that are greater then or equal?

► Strictly Binary Tree
► Binary Search tree   (sure)
AVL tree
► All of these

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Consider the following binary search tree (BST):

If node A in the BST is deleted, which two nodes are the candidates to take its place?
► J and I
► H and E
► D and E
► L and M

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

Lets call the node as that requires re-balancing. Consider the two cases given below:
1) An insertion into left sub tree of the left child of a
2) An insertion into right sub tree of the right child of a.
Which of the following statement is correct about these two cases?
1) The insertion occurs outside (i.e., left-left or right-right) in cases 1 and 2 single rotation can fix the balance in
these two cases.
2) The insertion occurs inside ((i.e., left-left or right-right) in cases 1 and 2. single rotation cannot fix the balance in these two cases

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one

We access elements in AVL Tree in,
Linear way only
Non Linear way only
► Both linear and non linear ways
None of the given options.

Question No: 17

AVL Tree is,

Non Linear data structure
Linear data structure
► Hybrid data structure (Mixture of Linear and Non Linear)
None of the given options.

Question No: 1( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following statement is NOT correct .
► In linked list the elements are necessarily to be contiguous
In linked list the elements may locate at far positions in the memory
In linked list each element also has the next to it
In an array the elements are contiguous

Question No: 2 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Each operator in a postfix expression refers to the previous               operand(s).
Two (Page 67)
► Three

Question No: 3 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one of the following calling methods does not change the original value of the argument in the calling function?
None of the given options
Call by passing the value of the argument
► Call by passing reference of the argument
► Call by passing the address of the argument

Question No: 4 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A tree is an AVL tree if
Any one node fulfills the AVL condition
► At least half of the nodes fulfill the AVL condition
► All the nodes fulfill the AVL condition(Page 213)
None of the given options

Question No: 5 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Suppose currentNode refers to a node in a linked list (using the Node class with member variables called data and nextNode). What statement changes currentNode so that it refers to the next node?
► currentNode ++;
► currentNode = nextNode;
► currentNode += nextNode;
► currentNode = currentNode->nextNode;

Question No: 6 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A queue where the de-queue operation depends not on FIFO, is called a priority queue
► True (Page 101)

Question No: 7 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Which one is a self- referential data type?
► Stack
Link list
► All of these

Question No: 8 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Each node in doubly link list has,
► 1 pointer
► 2 pointers (Page 39)
► 3 pointers
► 4 pointers

Question No: 9 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
I have implemented the queue with a linked list, keeping track of a front pointer and a rear pointer. Which of these pointers will change during an insertion into an EMPTY queue?
► Neither changes
Only front pointer changes.
► Only rear pointer changes.
► Both change.

Question No: 10 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Consider the following tree.

How many of the nodes have at least one sibling?
A sibling is an element that shares the same parent with another element

Question No: 11 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The nodes with no successor are called                
► Root Nodes
► Leaf Nodes
► Both of these
None of these

Question No: 12 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
AVL Tree is,
Non Linear data structure Click here for detail
Linear data structure
► Hybrid data structure (Mixture of Linear and Non Linear)
None of the given options.

Question No: 13 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
We access elements in AVL Tree in,
Linear way only
Non Linear way only
► Both linear and non linear ways
None of the given options.

Question No: 14 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
A binary search tree should have minimum of one               node/s at each level,
► Three

Question No: 15 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
Consider the following statements.
(i) A binary tree can contain at least 2L Nodes at level L.
(ii) A complete binary tree of depth d is a binary tree that contains 2 L Nodes at each level L between 0 and d, both inclusive.
(iii) The total number of nodes (Tn ) in a complete binary tree of depth d is 2 d+1 - 1 .
(iv) The height of the complete binary tree can be written as h = log 2 (Tn+1)-1 where Tn is Total number of

Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements regarding the Binary trees?
► (i) and (iii) only
► (i), (ii) and (iii) only
► (ii) and (iii) only
► (ii), (iii) and (iv) only

Question No: 16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
“+” is a                 operator.
► Binary(Page 64)
► Ternary
None of the above

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