CS301- Data Structures
December 2014

Virtual University of Pakistan
Bhakkar Campus (PBHK01) Pioneer College of Commerce Bhakkar

Is it possible for a member function of a class to activate another member function of the same class?
a. No.
b. Yes, but only public member functions.
c. Yes, but only private member functions.
d. Yes, both public and private member functions can be activated within another member function.

Consider this class definition:
class quiz
{ public: quiz( ); int f( );
int g( ) const; private: double score;
Which functions can carry out an assignment score=1.0; to the private ember variable score?
a. Both f and g can carry out the assignment.
b. f can carry out the assignment, but not g.
c. g can carry out the assignment, but not f.
d. Neither f nor g can carry out the assignment

In C++, when allocating an array of objects, what constructor is used to initialize all of the objects in the array?
a. The automatic copy constructor.
b. The constructor specified at the declaration.
c. The default constructor. d. None of the above.

The list abstract data type (ADT) is used to work with ordered or unordered sequence of
items such as numbers or strings. What of the following implementation of list ADT is best to answer questions such as "What is the item at position n?"
a. Lists implemented with an array.
b. Doubly-linked lists. c. Singly-linked lists.
d. Doubly-linked or singly-linked lists are equally best

Consider this function declaration:
void quiz(int i)
if (i > 1)
quiz(i / 2);
cout << "*";
How many asterisks are printed by the function call quiz(5)?
a. 3 b. 4 c. 7 d. 8
e. Some other number

Suppose T is a binary tree with 14 nodes. What is the minimum possible depth of T?
a. 0 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

“Entries in a stack are Ordered". What is the meaning of this statement?
a. A collection of stacks can be sorted.
b. Stack entries may be compared with the < operation. c. The entries must be stored in a linked list.
d. There is a first entry, a second entry, and so on.

Which of the following applications may use a stack?
a. A parentheses balancing program.
b. Keeping track of local variables at run time. c. In-order traversal of a binary tree.
d. All of the above.

When the compiler compiles your program, how is a recursive call treated differently than a non-recursive function call?
a. Parameters are all treated as reference arguments b. Parameters are all treated as value arguments
c. There is no duplication of local variables

d. None of the above

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