Spring 2010
Question No: 1
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
an array we can store
data elements of different types.
► True
► False (Page 7)
Question No: 2
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
an array list the current element is
► The first element Click here for detail
► The middle
► The last element
► The element where the
current pointer
points to
Question No: 3
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Which one of the
following calling
does not change the original value of the argument in the
► None of the given options
► Call by passing
the value of the argument
Click here for detail
► Call by passing
reference of the
► Call by passing
the address of the argument
Question No: 4
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Which one of the
following statements is NOT
► Array
size can be changed
creation. Click here for detail
► Link List
size can be changed after its creation
► Binary Search Tree
can be changed
after its creation
► AVL Tree size
can be changed after its creation
Question No: 5
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Suppose that the
class declaration
of SomeClass includes the following
prototype. bool LessThan( SomeClass
anotherObject );
Which of the following tests in the
client code correctly compares two class objects alpha
and beta?
► if (alpha <
► if (alpha.LessThan(beta))
► if (LessThan(alpha, beta))
► if (LessThan(alpha).beta)
Question No: 6
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
A queue is a----- data
structure, whereas
a stack is a -----data structure.
LIFO (Page 161,54)
► none of these
► both of these
Question No: 7
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Which one of the
following operators has
priority than
all of others?
► Multiplication operator
► Minus operator
► Plus operator
► Exponentiation operator
Question No: 8
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Each node in Binary Search
Tree has
► 1 pointer
► 2 pointers
► 3 pointers
► 4 pointers
Question No: 9
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
statements about
trees are below. Three
of them are correct.
Which one is INCORRECT?
► Trees
are recursively defined multi-dimensional
data structures tree
► The order of a tree indicates
a maximum number
of children allowed
at each node of the
► A search tree is
a special type
of tree where all values
(i.e. keys) are ordered
► If Tree1's
is greater than Tree2's
size, then the height of
Tree1 must also be greater than
Tree2's height. Click here
for detail
Question No: 10
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Which of the following is
"TRUE" about arrays,
► We can increase
size of arrays after their creation.
► We can decrease
the size of arrays
► We can increase but can't decrease the
of arrays after their creation.
► We can
increase nor decrease the
array size after their creation.
Question No: 11
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Searching an element in
AVL tree take maximum in AVL tree,
► Log2(n+1)
time (where n is
no. of nodes
► Log2(n+1) -1
► 1.44 Log2n (Page 227)
► 1.66 Log2n
Question No: 12
( Marks: 1 ) - Please choose
There is/are case/s for
rotation in an AVL tree,
Question No: 13
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Consider the following statements.
(i) A binary tree can contain at least 2L Nodes
at level L.
(ii) A complete binary tree
of depth d is a binary tree that
contains 2L Nodes at each level L
between 0 and d, both
(iii) The total number
of nodes (Tn ) in a complete binary tree
of depth d is 2 d+1 - 1
(iv) The height of
the complete binary tree
can be written as h = log 2 (Tn+1)-1
where Tn is
Total number of
Which one of the
following is correct in
respect of the above statements
regarding the Binary trees?
► (i) and (iii) only
► (i), (ii)
and (iii) only
► (ii) and (iii) only
► (ii), (iii) and (iv)
only Click
here for detail
Question No: 14
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Consider the following infix expression.
5 + 6/2
one converts the above expression into
postfix, what would be
the resultant expression?
► 56/ + 2
►562/+ (Page 66)
► /62 + 5
Question No: 15
( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
Which of the following is
a non linear data structure?
► Linked List
► Stack
► Queue
► Tree(Page 112)
Question No:
16 ( Marks: 1 ) - Please
choose one
“+” is a operator.
► Unary
► Binary
(Page 64)
► Ternary
► None of the above
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