VU 2 Year Bachelor Degree

M.A. Jinnah Campus, Defence Road, Off Raiwind RoadLahore

No. VU/Reg/860
Dated: May 13, 2008


SUBJECT:     ISSUE OF BACHELOR DEGREE (2-year/4-semester)

Virtual University of Pakistan initiated two-year (four semesters) Bachelor degree program in the following disciplines w.e.f. Fall 2007 session that commenced on September 24, 2007.

Name of Degree
B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Computer Science and Information Technology
Computer Science and
Information Technology
BA (Business Administration)
Management Sciences
Bachelor of Commerce
Management Sciences
BA (Mass Communication)
Mass Communication
BA (Psychology)

The following Regulations for award of 2-year Bachelor degree have been approved by the competent authority of the University and will remain effective on or after result declaration date of fall semester 2007.

  1. VU students already enrolled in Bachelor program (4-year/8-semester) who intend to convert their study programs into 2-year Bachelor degree are eligible for award of degree on or after result declaration date of Fall 2007 under following terms:

(a)    The students who have obtained course exemptions from VU shall not be entitled for the award of 2-year Bachelor degree. 

(b)   The students must have completed the prescribed 60 credit hours course work requirements (semester wise scheme of studies of an admitted student along with his/her batch/session has been published at VU website and VULMS under “Student Services” > “My Study Scheme”) with minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.

(c)    The relevant qualified courses having A, B, C, or D grades will be transferred towards 2-year Bachelor degree program provided ‘D’ grade once improved shall not be permitted to improve further.

(d)   The candidates must have cleared all their outstanding university dues.

(e)    The candidate who transfers qualified courses towards 2-year degree shall not be eligible for the award of medal/ merit certificate.

(f)     VU ID number of candidates for award of 2-year degree shall remain the same as allocated by the University.     

(g)    Those desirous of pursuing any study program after earning a 2-year Bachelor degree shall be treated as new admission.

  1. The students admitted during and after fall 2007 in 2-year bachelor programs shall be awarded 2-year degrees upon completion of their prescribed 60 credit hours course work requirements The students must have completed the prescribed 60 credit hours course work requirements (semester wise scheme of studies of an admitted student along with his/her batch/session has been published at VU website and VULMS under “Student Services” > “My Study Scheme”) with a minimum CGPA of 2.00 out of 4 and also upon clearance of university dues. Such candidates will be eligible for award of medal/certificate according to University Rules.

  1. In addition, all Rules and Regulations of Virtual University of Pakistan pertaining to the issuance of degree shall be applicable to those holding a 2-year VU Bachelor degree.

                                                                                                               Registrar, VU


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